
Aida Omerhafizović, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maria Vlasova, Russia

Анна Викторовна Войтенко, Россия

Anton Vorina, Slovenia

Anastasia Nikolaidou, Greece

Inga Erina, Latvia

Davis Sire, Lativa

Aida Omerhafizović, Bosnia and Herzegovina
"Hi everyone! I want to say that participation at 12th ISSE was the best decision I have ever made. I appreciate good relationships I created on the Summer School. You could feel true love trough speaking with anyone from entire organization. Besides that we have learned a lot about Project Management. The lecturers we had at ISSE were outstanding, easy going and always ready to help. I am really greatfull for being part of such an amazing event. Thank you a lot for, not just knowledge, but true friendships."
"This summer I visited the 11th International Summer School of Economics in Serbia and I am very impressed by the organization of this school. During a five-day stay we had an opportunity both to learn and have fun. We participated in lots of useful workshops and lectures, learned “How to start-up a business” and took part in home country presentations with students from Serbia, Slovenia, Latvia and Spain. It was a very interesting way to get to know the traditions and lifestyles of different countries. During the Summer School we didn’t have a feeling that we spoke different languages. Despite the fact that we communicated in Russian, Serbian and English, everyone understood each other. It was an incredible experience! It was my second participation in the ISSE and I discovered Serbia in a completely new way. This time we visited new places, such as Zlatibor, Drvengrad, Andricgrad, Visegrad, etc. Once again I would like to thank the organizers, professors, and students for all the knowledge, hospitality and amazing experience I gained!"

Maria Vlasova, Russia

Анна Викторовна Войтенко, Россия
"Сербия – прекрасна. О ней я могу писать бесконечно, но постараюсь быть краткой: впечатление от неё – это совокупность народа, пейзажей, монастырей, национальной кухни, настроения, красных черепичных крыш, традиционного танца «Коло». Кстати, говорят, каждый серб, даже наш ровесник, с детства знает народные песни и танцы, для него это так же естественно, как дышать, чем, к сожалению, мы, русские, сейчас не можем похвастать. Но там тебя хочешь-не хочешь к истокам возвратят: например, на одной из улиц города мы встретили представительного мужчину с домрой, который стал наигрывать нам «Калинку», «Подмосковные вечера» и какие-то старинные русские романсы, которых мы даже никогда не слышали и подпеть, к сожалению, уже не могли."
"The International Summer School of Economics in Serbia organized by the Faculty of Economics Niš is the best social and profesional event for students and professors. I am so glad to have had a chance to be a part of it almost every year, because I have met a lot of great people from different countries. Personally, it was a great experience to share my knowledge with other attendees, as well as to learn some new and interesting things. Welcome to the ISSE, develop your skills and have fun!"

Antnon Vorina, Slovenia

Anastasia Nikolaidou, Greece
"I still remember the Summer School as if it were yesterday, although it was 3 years ago. The very moment I arrived I started enjoying being a part of this unique event. Six days of learning and making life-long friendships! Mornings and afternoons are fully scheduled with lectures, workshops and simulations and nights are intended for long walks and discussions. But we didn’t feel tired at all! The lectures at the ISSE were full of useful information, facts and tips. I have even implemented some of the knowledge and techniques I learned into my own business. It was such a great experience for me, and I can’t wait to be a part of this event again this year."
"The Summer School provided an opportunity not only to improve my knowledge of business and start-ups, but also to get acquainted with other cultures and people. It was exciting to listen to Serbian students’ opinions about different situations in the country and what they think about global economic processes. A direct exchange of views was very informative. Many thanks to the organizers!"

Inga Erina, Latvia

Davis Sire, Latvia
"The International Summer School of Economics in Zlatibor, Serbia was an amazing multicultural adventure! It was a great way to compare yourself and your university with other powerful students from all over the world. It was very useful, fun and educational experience. Group projects were mixed with inspiring lectures, free time, parties and country presentations. The week just flew by! The trip to Serbia showed me that it's super important to have friends in different countries all over the world, because later in life they can become your business partners. I suggest that everyone should apply for this Summer School! You will gain some experience in travelling, improve your English language skills and find new friends. Don't hesitate, you will enjoy it, I promise."