Економски факултет
Факултет са традицијом
Универзитет у Нишу



The project TEMPUS JEP CD 41146-2006 “Rationalization of the postgraduate studies in Business Management and Economics in Serbia“ is designed according to Bologna process. The main objectives in this project are:

  • Wider Objectives: To contribute to the rationalization of Business Management and Economics education in Serbia in line of the needs of ongoing social-economic reform acceleration and harmonization with quality level of Higher education in EU
  • Specific Objectives: To create and introduce postgraduate master studies in Business Management and Economics at Serbian State Universities in Kragujevac, Belgrade and Nis.

Key aspect in this project is rationalization of Master Studies in Business Management and Economics and development, introduction and accreditation of new Master Study programs as a basis for faster incorporation of Serbian Universities into European Higher Education Area.

Mobility of Academic and Administrative Staff, faster knowledge transfer through frequent meetings and visits on one side, and fully satisfaction of all needs and requests of stakeholders on the other side, are specially emphasized.

Concept of this project is deep involvement and mobility of all Consortium Members in project activities, great transparency, openness for further improvement and reachable objectives. Using great motivation, mutual familiarity, knowledge and respect of all Consortium Members applied project will avoid all weaknesses of team work because Consortium Members are ready to give full contribution in project realization with all theirs expert knowledge and skills.

According to the Project implementation is to be expected that Faculties of Economics in Serbia will actively take part in realization of the economic strategy in Serbia, building adequate knowledge infrastructure, communication and information channels and quicker knowledge transfer from EU countries into Serbia.

Proposed project will achieve wider and specific goals using comprehensive methodology of project management, intensive horizontal and vertical communication between project members and stakeholders.

During preparation phase of this project nine outcomes are identified as critical factors of success. Those outcomes are transformed into critical group of activities related with:

  1. Creation of new model of Master Study programs,
  2. Developing and introducing of new Master Study programs,
  3. Establishing of supportive teaching environment,
  4. Realization of credit transfer system based on ECTS,
  5. Accreditation of Master Study programs,
  6. Dissemination of project results,
  7. Achieving a real sustainability, specially from financial aspect,
  8. Quality control and management and
  9. Management of project activities towards planed outcomes and fulfilling the indicators of success.

Final result of this project should be rationalized Master Study programs for Business Management and Economics in Serbia, according to Bologna principles, as the nucleus and future center of excellence at the Universities in Kragujevac, Belgrade and Nis.


Студентске организације