Ekonomski fakultet
Fakultet sa tradicijom
Univerzitet u Nisu

Department for Business Management

Dr Dragana Radenković-Jocić

Position: Full Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: II 24 second floor
Consultations: thursday 10:00-12:00
E-mail: dragana.radenkovic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs draganarj61@gmail.com
Phone: +381 18 528-645
Subject: BSc - 4042 Commercial Law
BSc - 4076 Corporate Management
BSc - 4088 EU Law
MSc - 7017 European Union Internal Market Law
PhD - 8017 EU Competition Law
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Goran Milovanović

Position: Full Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: II 10 second floor
Consultations: monday 12:00-14:00
E-mail: goran.milovanovic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-674
Subject: BSc - 4045 Strategic Logistics Management
BSc - 4050 International Marketing
BSc - 4083 International Logistics
MSc - 7031 Supply Chain Management
MSc - 7260 Reverse Logistics
PhD - 8013 Supply Chain Management
PhD - 8229
PhD - 8244
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Ivana Simić

Position: Full Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: IV 17 fourth floor
Consultations: tuesday 10:00-12:00
E-mail: ivana.simic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-639
Subject: BSc - 4008 Basics of Management
BSc - 4044 Fundamentals of Organization
MSc - 7009 Organizational Change Management
PhD - 8014 Organizational Behaviour Management
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Tamara Milenković-Kerković

Position: Full Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: V 4 fifth floor
Consultations: thursday 12:00-14:00
E-mail: tamara.kerkovic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs salamanca@eunet.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-684
Subject: BSc - 4042 Commercial Law
BSc - 4089 International Trade Law
MSc - 7002 Banking Law
MSc - 7302 The Law of Financial Institutions
PhD - 8017 EU Competition Law
PhD - 8212 Autonomic Law of Trade Contracts
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Suzana Stefanović

Position: Full Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: IV 20 fourth floor
Consultations: wednesday 12:00-14:00
E-mail: suzana.stefanovic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-631
Subject: BSc - 4043 Planning and Policy of Enterprises
BSc - 4047 Strategic Management
BSc - 4087 Production Management
BSc - 4543 Business Planning
MSc - 7024 Growth and Development Strategy of Enterprises
MSc - 7031 Supply Chain Management
MSc - 7257 SMEs Management
MSc - 7324 Business Strategy
PhD - 8021 Production Strategies of Networked Enterprises
PhD - 8241
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Bojan Krstić

Position: Full Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: II 11 second floor
Consultations: thursday 17:00-19:00
E-mail: bojan.krstic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-686
Subject: BSc - 4015 Business Performance Analysis
BSc - 4084 Intellectual Capital Management
BSc - 4432 Business Performance Management
MSc - 7021 Strategic Performance Control System
MSc - 7206 Decision Economics
MSc - 7221 Strategic Control of Enterprises
MSc - 7306 Innovation Management
MSc - 7321 Strategic Control and Analysis
PhD - 8023 The Theory of Firm
PhD - 8247
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Suzana Đukić

Position: Full Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: IV 26 fourth floor
Consultations: wednesday 13:00-15:00
E-mail: suzana.djukic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-620
Subject: BSc - 4033 Marketing
BSc - 4080 Consumer Behaviour
BSc - 4086 Marketing Communication
MSc - 7020 Relationship Marketing
MSc - 7253 Services Marketing
PhD - 8022 Strategic Marketing
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Biljana Đorđević

Position: Full Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: IV 26 fourth floor
Consultations: tuesday 11:00-13:00
E-mail: biljana.djordjevic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-620
Subject: BSc - 4003 Enterprise Resource Management
BSc - 4079 Human Resource Management
BSc - 4503 Business economics
MSc - 7255 International Human Resource Management
PhD - 8027 Career Management
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Marija Radosavljević

Position: Full Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: IV 23 fourth floor
Consultations: thursday 10:00-12:00
E-mail: marija.radosavljevic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-634
Subject: BSc - 4003 Enterprise Resource Management
BSc - 4082 Marketing Channels
BSc - 4090 Agency Business
BSc - 4430 Entrepreneurship
BSc - 4503 Business economics
MSc - 7215 Business Ethics
MSc - 7264 Business Process Management
PhD - 8026 Costs in Business Decision Making
PhD - 8231
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Maja Ivanović-Đukić

Position: Full Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: IV 29 fourth floor
Consultations: wednesday 13:30-15:30
E-mail: maja.djukic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-659
Subject: BSc - 4008 Basics of Management
BSc - 4430 Entrepreneurship
MSc - 7009 Organizational Change Management
MSc - 7215 Business Ethics
MSc - 7257 SMEs Management
PhD - 8021 Production Strategies of Networked Enterprises
PhD - 8221
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Aleksandra Anđelković

Position: Assoiciate Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: V 10 fifth floor
Consultations: wednesday 18:00-20:00
E-mail: aleksandra.andjelkovic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-693
Subject: BSc - 4045 Strategic Logistics Management
BSc - 4050 International Marketing
BSc - 4082 Marketing Channels
BSc - 4083 International Logistics
BSc - 4582 Distribution Channel Management
MSc - 7231 Supply Chain Management
MSc - 7260 Reverse Logistics
PhD - 8013 Supply Chain Management
PhD - 8229
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Dr Danijela Stošić Panić

Position: Assoiciate Professor
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: V 6 fifth floor
E-mail: danijela.stosic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-686
Subject: BSc - 4043 Planning and Policy of Enterprises
BSc - 4047 Strategic Management
BSc - 4087 Production Management
MSc - 7224 Growth and Development Strategy of Enterprises
MSc - 7324 Business Strategy
MSc - 7364 Business Process Management
PhD - 8234
Biography: Cirriculum vitae

Sandra Milanović Zbiljić

Position: Teaching Assistant
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: II anex 4 second floor
Consultations: thursday 12:00-14:00
E-mail: sandra.milanovic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-652
Subject: BSc - 4447 Strategic Management
BSc - 4479 Human Resource Management
BSc - 4482 Marketing Channels
BSc - 4503 Business economics
BSc - 4543 Business Planning
BSc - 4582 Distribution Channel Management

Milica Jovanović Vujatović

Position: Teaching Assistant
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: II 11 second floor
Consultations: thursday 17:00-19:00
E-mail: milica.jovanovic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-633
Subject: BSc - 4445 Strategic Logistics Management
BSc - 4450 International Marketing
BSc - 4483 International Logistics
BSc - 4484 Intellectual Capital Management
BSc - 4532 Business Performance Management

Ružica Petrović

Position: Teaching Assistant
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: II 24 second floor
Consultations: tuesday 12:00-14:00
E-mail: ruzica.petrovic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-645
Subject: BSc - 4442 Commercial Law
BSc - 4473 International Trade Law
BSc - 4475 EU Law
BSc - 4476 Corporate Management
BSc - 4505 Economic Geography
BSc - 4552 Tourism Geography with Fudamentals of Tourism

Jelena Stanković

Position: Teaching Assistant
Department: Department for Business Management
Cabinet: V 1 fifth floor
Consultations: tuesday 13:00-15:00
E-mail: jelena.a.stankovic@eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Phone: +381 18 528-695
Subject: BSc - 4433 Marketing
BSc - 4468 Economics of Trade
BSc - 4480 Consumer Behaviour
BSc - 4486 Marketing Communication
BSc - 4487 Production Management

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