Ekonomski fakultet
Fakultet sa tradicijom
Univerzitet u Nisu

General Economics

1. Semester

  SUBJECTS Week fund of classes Number of ECTS points
1. Elements of Economics 6 7 ECTS points
2. Financial Accounting 6 7 ECTS points
3. Enterprise Resource Management 6 7 ECTS points
4. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
5. Seminar paper   2 ECTS points
  TOTAL 24 30 ECTS points


  1. Principles of Philosophy
  2. Philosophy of Economics

2. Semester

  SUBJECTS Week fund of classes Number of ECTS points
1. Sociology 6 7 ECTS points
2. Economic Geography 6 7 ECTS points
3. Mathematics 6 7 ECTS points
4. Economic Doctrines 6 7 ECTS points
5. Seminar paper   2 ECTS points
  TOTAL 24 30 ECTS points

 3. Semester

  SUBJECTS Week fund of classes Number of ECTS points
1. Macroeconomics 6 7 ECTS points
2. Microeconomics 6 7 ECTS points
3. International Economics 6 7 ECTS points
4. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
5. Foreign Language I 2 2 ECTS points
  TOTAL 26 30 ECTS points


  1. Microeconomic Analysis
  2. Elements of Organization

4. Semester

  SUBJECTS Week fund of classes Number of ECTS points
1. National Economy 6 7 ECTS points
2. Statistics 6 7 ECTS points
3. Business Performance Analysis 6 7 ECTS points
4. Monetary Economics 6 7 ECTS points
5. Foreign Language  II 2 2 ECTS points
  TOTAL 26 30 ECTS points

5. Semester

  SUBJECTS Week fund of classes Number of ECTS points
1. Public Economics 6 7 ECTS points
2. Economics of Industry 6 7 ECTS points
3. Informatics 6 7 ECTS points
4. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
5. Foreign Language III 2 2 ECTS points
  TOTAL 26 30 ECTS points


  1. Political Economics
  2. Economic Policy

6. Semester

  SUBJECTS Week fund of classes Number of ECTS points
1. Financial System и Financial Institutions 6 7 ECTS points
2. Operational Research 6 7 ECTS points
3. Agrarian Management 6 7 ECTS points
4. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
5. Foreign Language IV 2 2 ECTS points
  TOTAL 26 30 ECTS points


  1. Public Finance
  2. Economic Functions

7. Semester

  SUBJECTS Week fund of classes Number of ECTS points
1. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
2. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
3. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
4. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
5. Training   2 ECTS points
  TOTAL 24 30 ECTS points


  1. Marketing
  2. Transition Economics
  3. Special Accounting
  4. Capital Economics and Development Financing
  5. Planning and Policy of Enterprises
  6. E-Business

8. Semester

  SUBJECTS Week fund of classes Number of ECTS points
1. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
2. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
3. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
4. Elective 6 7 ECTS points
5. Final essay   2 ECTS points
  TOTAL 24 30 ECTS points


  1. Commerce Economics
  2. Second Foreign Language
  3. Strategic Logistics Management
  4. Commerce Law
  5. Business Finance
  6. Financial and Actuarial Mathematics

Student's Unions

Univerziteta u Nišu

Trg kralja Aleksandra
Ujedinitelja 11
18105 Niš, Srbija

PIB: 100667088
Registration No: 07174705
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